
to Girls

Resources, Trainings & Events

What We Do

Girls Ministries provides discipleship resources, training, and events that help you mentor your girls and navigate the hard conversations



We host various events throughout the year so that you, your ladies and girls can encounter Jesus. Our events are designed to equip, encourage, and empower in the Holy Spirit and Word of God



We provide a variety of trainings to help leaders be effective at ministering to girls in your church and community. These trainings give you the confidence to be enthusiastic leaders and provide the tools to help you disciple girls.



Girls Ministries curriculum is designed to help girls grow deep in their knowledge of the Word and to strengthen their relationship with God. It covers a variety of relevant topics and can be used in your community in a variety of ways to disciple girls.



We support a variety of missions projects and whole heartedly believe in teaching girls to give beyond themselves to help others. We want to see girls develop a heart of compassion for the lost and broken.


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Pen Florida Girls Ministries

The Purpose

The Mission

Changing the world one girl at a time.

The vision of Girls Ministries:

Women committed to disciple and raise up the next generation of girls. Teaching them to know God and that their identity is in Christ. We do this through small group meetings, and events designed to minister to the needs of girls.

Through small groups for girls, we can better minister to the needs of each girl. By offering a time and safe place, girls can share things they are going through, experiencing, and have questions about. This opens the door for conversation and allows women to speak truth into their lives based on the word of God. There are many resources available to help in studying and understanding God’s word. We use the Girls Ministries curriculum offered, along with other great resources provided by various authors and publishers.

We desire to work in cooperation with Children’s and Youth Pastors to see girls discipled and build mentoring relationships with women through small groups for girls.

We exist to help girls dig deep into the Word of God, experience freedom in Jesus Christ, see them filled with the Holy Spirit, and walk in a love relationship with Christ. Ultimately seeing them fulfill their destiny!

Our Goal:

This is our heartbeat; to impact the girls of this generation with the love of Jesus, the truth in God’s Word, in the fullness of the Holy Spirit, and then see them impact their world for Him!


Leader Retreat

JANUARY 20-21, 2023

Come connect with other leaders of girls from around the state
and get refreshed in the presence of the Lord!

Getting Started


There are a variety of options when it comes to how you setup your ministry. You can also consider more than one format. For example, if you decide to meet as a small group, you can work in one unit or more as a weekend retreat in order to delve into a specific topic more.

what do I need to get started

Due to the flexibility of the Girls Ministries Curriculum, what you need to purchase will differ. Included below are some basic suggestions for getting started, but we would love to help you build the ministry that best suits the needs of the girls in your community, feel free to contact our office directly at 386.785.3593 for more specified help.

If having a large group with a coordinator they will need:

Group leaders will need:

  • the appropriate age-level Sponsor Guide

Leader Training:

  • Click here to visit our Leader Training page for available options.

If you are wanting to include the guides for your girls they will need:

  • the appropriate age-level Activity Book or Journal Booklet

    If you are choosing to use the curriculum solely for the discipleship components, you can get started with just the individual age level leader Guides.

    • Rainbows: Preschool (Ages 3-5, not yet in Kindergarten)
    • Daisies: Kindergarten
    • Prims: Grades 1st-2nd
    • Stars: Grades 3rd-5th
    • Friends: Grades 6th-8th
    • Girls Only: Grades 9th-12th

    For a free, current Girls Ministries catalog, call My Healthy Church at 1-855.642.2011.

    Visit the online store for easy access to all of our official Girls Clubs products

    what do I need to get started

    Due to the flexibility of the Girls Ministries Curriculum, what you need to purchase will differ. Included below are some basic suggestions for getting started, but we would love to help you build the ministry that best suits the needs of the girls in your community, feel free to contact our office directly at 386.785.3593 for more specified help. 

    If having a large group with a coordinator they will need:

    Group leaders will need:

    • the appropriate age-level Sponsor Guide

    Leader Training:

    • Click here to visit our Leader Training page for available options. 

    If you are wanting to include the guides for your girls they will need:

    • the appropriate age-level Activity Book or Journal Booklet

      If you are choosing to use the curriculum solely for the discipleship components, you can get started with just the individual age level leader Guides.

      • Rainbows: Preschool (Ages 3-5, not yet in Kindergarten)
      • Daisies: Kindergarten
      • Prims: Grades 1st-2nd
      • Stars: Grades 3rd-5th
      • Friends: Grades 6th-8th
      • Girls Only: Grades 9th-12th

      For a free, current Girls Ministries catalog, call My Healthy Church at 1-855.642.2011.

      Visit the online store for easy access to all of our official Girls Clubs products

      Do we need to start with every age level?

      No. Start with clubs that match your the ages of your girls.

      • Sunlight Kids: Nursery
      • Rainbows: Preschool
      • Daisies: Kindergarten
      • Prims: 1st– and 2nd-grade
      • Stars: 3rd– through 5th-grade
      • Friends: 6th– through 8th-grade
      • Girls Only: High school

      Tip: If your total number of girls is fairly small, bring them together for activities, crafts, and games. We can help you plan similar units for various age levels. 

      Can start Girls Ministries effectively if we only have a few girls in each age group?

      Yes. If you need to, just combine the age groups to fit the needs of your church and girls. Here are a couple of ideas to get you started:

      2 Groups: Elementary ages combined and Middle/High School ages combined

      3 Groups: Preschool and Kindergarten (Rainbows & Daisies), 1st-5th Grade (Prims & Stars), Middle and High School (Friends & Girls Only)

      4 Groups: Preschool (Rainbows), Kindergarten-2nd Grade (Daisies & Prims), 3rd-8th Grade (Stars & Friends), High School (Girls Only)

      Tip: We also provide the Together Plan for churches with a limited staff. We have combined Girls Ministries and Royal Rangers based on age-level clubs/outposts, breaking out for gender-specific mentoring opportunities. This plan is designed for small churches that need a combined ministry for staffing reasons but with the eventual goal of progressing toward independently operating ministries for boys and girls.

      How can we integrate Teen Girl Ministries with youth?

      Remember that your girls belong to God & our aim should be to partner with parents, youth ministry, & other ministries that affect your girls to create well-rounded girls who are discipled, growing, & committed to Christ. Keep these things in mind as you work with others in your church/community to reach your girls.

      Communicate: Keep your youth pastor in the loop about girls clubs activities.

      Coordinate: Keep youth event dates in mind when planning your calendar.

      Cooperate: Remember you’re on the same team & working toward the same goal. Volunteer to help with youth events or consider using the girls group as a small group for your youth ministry.

      As you work together, partner, share resources, & encourage one another, the girls in your community will benefit from your teamwork.

      Contact Pen Florida Girls Ministries

      Getting Started

      Have more questions or need help getting started?
      Submit form below and we will be in touch. 
      You can also reach us by phone at 386.785.3593

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